mardi 6 avril 2010

Campaign status 6/4 /2010

Launch - 2 Days
Sequence of important events today @ Baikonur time (-4h for CEST):
  • 10:47 Arrival of CS-2 team at MIK site 31, Baikonur
  • 11:07 launch pad 119 observation with binocular from MIK second floor: it was possible to see clearly a man dressed with a long white clothing. This type of gear is not the usual staff worn by the "Silo operators". Our best guess is that it is the Priest blessing the Rocket (slightly earlier than expected).
Dress rehearsal took place:
  • 11:57 Count down started (8 hours before Launch)

  • 12:12 Contact established with ESOC* (voice and time checks)
  • 13:55 Spacecraft (SC) Switch-on
  • 16:12 SC set in Pre-Launch mode completed
  • 17:50 MIK dumps and clears on-board System log
  • 18:00 Team swap at ESOC, Team A at console
  • 18:40 1st Launcher time synchronization
  • 19:07 Command from LCC** to switch to internal power
  • 19:07 MIK confirms to ESOC "GO for launch"
  • 19:17 MIK states "CryoSat-2 Go for launch" (launch-40 mn)
  • 19:20 2nd launcher lime synchronization
  • 19:20 SC in Launch Mode
  • 19:42 Start of Launcher sequence ( launch -15mn)
  • 19:49 Readiness of Ground stations for first acquisition
  • 19:52 Last possibility for an abort launch by ESA (Launch -5mn)
  • 19h54 "Start" button pressed at LCC (Launch -3mn)
  • 19:56 Launch Readiness 1 minute from LCC
  • 19:57 Aborted launch today because it is a simulation!
The CS-2 launch animation was played at "T=+5 seconds or Engine ignition/ lift off) and the Count Down Manual procedure was continued at ESOC till separation.
The dress rehearsal went very smoothly (few minor things will be addressed at the debriefing and fixed by the 8/4). This gives confidence on the readiness of all parties involved in the launch.

*ESOC European Space Control Center
**LCC: Launch Control Center

1 commentaire:

  1. It was good. A little bit annoying the small things, but we are ready !


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